Rating: 5 out of 5.

This is the story of a young boy and his experiences as he comes of age and learns the ways of the world, both good and bad. Thankfully, Erin was gracious enough to allude the “heaviness” in this book in an opening message to her readers.  That was a good heads-up, because there were a few moments where it was tough.  It was all intentional and worth the revelation of the end.   She told me that was “so difficult explaining what the book is about without explaining what it’s about.” That is definitely the case, and I am not about spoiling anything from a story. You literally have to read it all the way through to have the concept hit you – literally emotionally smack you.

I tend to be one that feels the emotion of a story and – this was different – and it wasn’t all the same.  The emotions of the book came through, but each situation happens rather suddenly so that you don’t have that long build up to really draw it out.  The end was another story for me personally.  It was like all those emotions through the book had built up behind a dam as I read.  When I got to the end, the dam broke with full force.  I’m pretty sure it took me half an hour to right myself and truly process exactly what she wove into this storyline. 

Erin makes some very specific choices in text and writing that layered in beautifully to the story.  Some of these were subtle and some less so.  This amazing book was like working a jigsaw puzzle. You start to get an idea of what the picture is, but it’s not until you put the very last piece in, that you really see the picture.  This literally puzzle may leave you momentarily speechless or completely overcome. 

I feel like God blessed Erin with this story for her to share.  I can highly recommend it, and I think you’ll be all the better for reading it.  It will make you want better from yourself and humanity. Go read it, and tell me if you agree. Also go connect with this amazing author, Erin McLuckie Moya, on Instagram.

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