
What can I tell you about me? Well, I’m a southern raised simple girl. I’d love to say I have it totally together and not only can I give you home and dog training tips but I can tell you which outfit to wear and how to do the smokey eye too. BUT… I definitely can’t. I am lucky if I get out the door with matching clothes and a quick swipe of mascara, and that’s dressed up for me. I also can’t give you any mom tips for your tiny humans. My kids have fur and feathers, but they still talk back on occasion. You can meet them below as they have a great deal to do with me starting this blog.

Meet Colt

This sweet hearted chocolate hound is Colt a.k.a Colt Colt Head a.k.a Mr. Colt. He is half Chocolate Lab and half Chesapeake Bay Retriever. He is a very gentle soul and a very big grin. He is the oldest dog in our current pack. He’ll turn 11 in October. He’s had several surgeries on one of his hind legs and spends most of his days chilling on his dog bed surrounded by toys. His favorite toys are plain old tennis balls and a ball known as Giggly Wiggly.

Meet Ruger

This inquisitive German Shepherd is Ruger. He is always knows exactly where we are in the house and makes sure he is positioned so that he knows if we leave a room even if we are in separate rooms at the time. He makes us laugh on a daily basis. With his expressions and intense head tilts you can have conversations and know he is trying to comprehend every word. There’s practically nothing we do around the house that he doesn’t try to help with. Ruger is 2 years old and still bursting with energy when he isn’t hogging the bed.

Meet Indy

This adorable sweet face is Indy short for Independence. She is the newest member of the DogsBooksLife crew and is only 3 months old. She is into everything in typical puppy fashion, but she is learning things really fast. She will be the prime subject for many of our upcoming training posts.