man in black long sleeve shirt holding white ceramic mug

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I have caught a sermon or two by Joel Osteen on the TV, but the title of this book is what caught my attention as I was browsing the library catalog.  This world thrives on negativity today. I want to focus on the positive things in my life, but that seems so hard.  This book was very uplifting and inspiring.  I listened to the audiobook version which was read by the author.  It was a pretty quick listen at right around 3 hours long. 

Osteen paints a picture of the God that loves us and wants us to prosper.  This is another way to focus on the positive.  It reminds me of Romans 8:31 “…If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” God is for us and takes delight in us.  He gave us life and free will, and how it must make Him smile when we use those gifts for His glory and to spread His love.  Proverbs discusses prosperity several times.  Chapter 11 verse 25 says “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”

Osteen uses the phrase “Drop it, Leave it, Let it go” and I love this.  It does feel so hard not to get sucked into the negativity of the world.  This is a quick phrase to help push off that negative influence.  If it’s dragging you down or sucking you into a negative state of mind, “Drop it, Leave it, Let it go”. Obviously, a lot easier said than done, but it’s a starting point and a reminder to redirect.  I always seem to struggle with getting sucked into the what-if’s. I can plan a full conversation in my head of how some negative conversation is going to go.  It’s almost as if I am pre planning my resentment to a situation before it even happens.  I worked hard recently to redirect my thoughts when I feel my mind starting down this rabbit hole.  I basically just tell my brain “No, Nope, Nuh-uh we aren’t going there,” then I turn on a positive audiobook or a praise song or just silently start singing a praise song in my head.

This short book is an inspiring reminder to just let go of the focus on the negative.  We really do have a choice of where we place our focus.  The more you practice placing your focus on the positive things in your life and the positive things around us, the easier it gets to let go of the negative.  I hope you aren’t letting the negativity overwhelm you, there are much better things ahead for you friend.  Give yourself a little boost and read this book.   You can pick up a copy of Empty  Out the Negative here on Amazon, probably at most book stores or as always check your local library.  Let me know what you think or what stands out to you from it in the comments.

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