Do you train your own dogs?

Yes, we do. It’s truly a fun and never ending process. The dogs are always learning even when we are not intentionally teaching them.

How many dogs do you have?

Currently, we have 2. Ruger is our male Black & Red German Shepherd. Indy is our female Black & Red German Shepherd.

Do your dogs live in the house or outside?

The dogs are part of our family and live in the house with us. They love to be outside when we are, but if we are in the house then so are they.


How many books do you read?

I try to read 52 books a year. Sometimes that’s 1 a week and sometimes that a few books going at once.

What is you favorite format of reading?

My absolute favorite is audiobooks. I will read a physical book and eBooks, but Audiobooks are my go to. Audiobooks are what developed my love for reading.

Have you always loved reading?

No way! I didn’t read a single novel in high school and managed to write every book review from cliff notes or scanning a few paragraphs. I honestly couldn’t stay awake if I picked up a book. I was about 28 when I tried Audible for the first time and I was hooked.


Where are you located?

We are in Mississippi.

Why do you call the house a “Finisher-Upper”?

My family started building the house I now own. They did almost all the work themselves, but as they aged and money and energy got harder to come by, it didn’t get to the finished stage. We purchased the house and are doing our best to finish it.