Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
Photo by Tim Tebow Foundation

I will start by saying I knew of him and his faith while he was playing college football.  I vaguely knew of his Night to Shine events, but I didn’t know he had written a book much less multiple books.  I mention this just to point out I was not a super-fan of Tim Tebow, and I had no bias toward this book prior to stumbling across it.  I discovered it after reading a short devotional in the YouVersion Bible app based on the book.  It was insightful and motivating so I checked the book out of my local library.

After reading over 200 pages of his thoughts and experiences, he’s a genuine individual with an exceptional heart.  The book is inspiring and emotionally touching. If you are a sap like me, grab your Kleenex – especially for the last chapter. He’s done some amazing things that don’t include sports.  Some have been seemingly small acts that, I admit, I would not have had the courage to do in the same situations.

This Is the Day Book by Tim Tebow

The book is broken into twelve chapters, each one inciting a different challenge to make today count.  Tebow pulls in personal experiences and similar trials he’s faced to exemplify the challenge in each one.  They all end with a “Make This Your Day” motivation, which incites self-reflection on each topic.

I truly enjoyed this book and I’m interested to read his others.  If you feel like things aren’t working out for you or you are just struggling through daily life or maybe you are just stuck in a rut, I recommend reading “This Is The Day”.  Heck, even if you feel like you have it all together, it’s never bad to have an inspiring reminder that each day is special, and you can do something special today.  I linked the book on Amazon, but you can always check your local library.  Have an AMAZING day y’all!


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